Chicken Katsu Ramen

Hi, ramen lovers! Are you craving a comforting and exciting dish? From now on, you’ll love chicken katsu ramen, so grab a seat. Crispy, golden chicken katsu is added to the rich, savory world of Japanese ramen in this masterful fusion dish. You’ll be craving after this explosion of flavor and texture!  What makes this chicken katsu ramen so good? It takes more than just mixing noodles and chicken in a bowl to make this recipe. This is what really sets it apart: Brothtastic Bliss: The base of this ramen dream is the amazing broth. It can be prepared in … Read more


citrus chicken / creamy lemon pasta / Crispy Chicken Ramen / Easy Chicken Salad / Healthy Chicken Salad / Japanese Chicken Ramen / Katsu Ramen